
How I Beat My Nagging Urge to Pee in 1 Week and Started Living Again

If you have an overactive bladder or occasional leaking, you’ll want to read this…

by: Bella Wilson


Monday, June 17th, 2024

For years I hated going out. 

Big events were the WORST. 

The bathrooms were always too few and too far away. 

I’d get the urge to pee and start searching for a ladies room.

Then when I’d finally find one, there’d always be a line of women out the door. 

Waiting in those lines left me with little to do but silently pray that I could hold it long enough without having an accident.

You see, even though I would ALWAYS go before I left the house (whether I needed to or not)...

And watch every drop I drank from that moment forward…

I’d still feel like I had to pee. 

Which meant going out, seeing friends, traveling, or even joining my family at the park for a barbeque, would fill me with anxiety

Instead of being excited to spend time with my loved ones, I’d be in a panic thinking:

“Where would I go when I needed to pee?” And “How fast can I get there?”

Because needing to pee was always on my mind.  

Over the years I saw a lot of doctors looking for help…

Some would tell me to cut out coffee, cut out alcohol, cut out sugar, cut out salt, cut out pretty much everything…

And I did what they told me, but it didn’t help.

Other doctors would give me a bunch of exercises to do, tell me to check back in 6 months, and send me on my way…

Then, when I came back and told them the exercises didn’t help, they’d say “Well, it’s just a normal part of aging” and that I should just plan accordingly…

Which I knew meant wearing diapers

But I refused to surrender. 

Over and over, doctor after doctor gave me another “solution” to waste my time and money on. 

After spending years pinballing around town to different specialists, I finally decided to take my health into my own hands. 

I started reading every book, article, and research study I could find on the problem. 

And soon I discovered…

Three little-known facts about overactive bladder and occasional leaking that none of my doctors had mentioned.

First, it turns out that urgency is super common. According to Yale Medicine, up to 40% of ALL U.S. women have an overactive bladder. 

That means that at any given time nearly half of the women around me might also be fighting the urge to pee. 

No wonder there are always long lines out of the lady’s room!

It also meant that all that time I’d felt isolated and alone, trying to hide my peeing problems, I should’ve been talking to my friends and family. 

What really surprised me though, is that it’s nearly as common in men. Yale Medicine also says up to 30% of men suffer with overactive bladder too.

But as common as it is, according to the American Urological Association, it’s actually NOT a normal part of getting older. 

So now I knew it wasn’t about my age—and more importantlyI finally had hope that I could find a way to stop peeing all the time.  

Second, I discovered that peeing frequently, sudden urges to pee, occasional urine leakage, and waking up to pee at night could all be caused by the same underlying issue. 

Third, I learned that the surprising hidden culprit behind all of my symptoms was right under my nose the whole time and easier to fix than I ever imagined.   

Dehydration—a silent trigger for an overactive bladder

At first, I balked. I drank plenty of water! If I didn’t, why would I need to pee all the time? 

But the more research I read, the more it made sense.  

I started getting it when I read a report from Cleveland Clinic that said dehydration is more common as we age.

That’s because our bodies hold onto less water and our sense of thirst diminishes—so we naturally tend to drink less.  

And according to experts, that double-whammy makes our urine more concentrated, which in turn irritates the bladder, and can make both urgency and leaking worse

But the real kicker is that dehydration leads to mineral imbalances. 

Most importantly, minerals essential for supporting bladder muscles and nerve function like magnesium and zinc.

So without them, bladder muscles don’t work as well, and bladder nerves can send haywire signals. 

Which meant that all that time I’d spent watching every drop I drank…

I had NO CLUE I was actually making my peeing problem WORSE!

But when I stumbled on a study the U.S. Army did with Penn State University, I learned that just drinking more water wouldn’t do the trick…

You see, these researchers wanted to find out what type of beverage hydrated people of different ages best.

Here’s a hint: it’s not water.

So the scientists took 24 adults, half between the ages of 20-26, and the other half between 61-73 years old—and gave them different types of drinks—including water. 

After each drink they measured the study participants’ hydration levels—and it turned out that in both the younger and older people, water was a total flop.

In fact, they found that older people were most hydrated after drinking a beverage with a combination of amino acids. 

That’s likely because amino acids not only help our cells absorb water, but most

importantly—essential minerals.

And I already told you that minerals are critical for bladder control.  

So now I finally had my answer: I needed to try a drink with amino acids similar to the one the older group of people drank in the study.  

Once I knew what I was looking for, I did some searching and I talked to some friends. 

That’s when someone told me that I had to try NativePath’s Native Hydrate. 

I was skeptical, but I found their website and looked over all of the ingredients. 

When I looked at their label, I started getting excited because I saw that it was packed with amino acids and essential minerals. 

It was exactly what I was looking for. 

The friend who recommended it told me I couldn't find it in stores, so I went ahead and ordered straight from NativePath.

I figured if I hated it, I’d just return it, since NativePath gives you a full year to try Native Hydrate

I was hesitant going in, but I knew I had to give Native Hydrate a fair shot. 

I placed my order and a few days later, my Native Hydrate arrived.

Now all I had to do was put it to the test. 

I opened up the jar of Mixed Berry Native Hydrate and added a single scoop of it to a glass of water, stirred, and drank it down. 


It was sweet, fruity, and refreshing. 

Honestly, I thought it tasted a little too good. 

To me, for anything to work, I assumed it needed to taste at least a little bad. 

But I figured I’d stick with it and see what happens. 

I was dreaming of a fun day shopping with my daughters or girlfriends—without having to constantly worry about finding a bathroom. 

So each day I drank my glass of Native Hydrate, and to my GREAT surprise…

This Tasty Drink Fixed My Peeing Problems in just ONE WEEK!

I didn’t notice much of any difference the first day, but as the week went on, I could feel the change. 

I was going longer and longer without that nagging urge to pee. 

With each day that passed, I noticed I wasn’t going to the bathroom as often either. 

I tried not to get too excited, afraid it wouldn’t last… But it did. 

In fact, from that first week on… 

All my going going going, was GONE GONE GONE!

Since then, I’ve been a new woman. 

I am so grateful to Native Hydrate and I'm blown away by the results! 

I'm comfortable, confident, and happy because I can go where I want, whenever I want, without worrying I’ll be too far from a bathroom. 

I truly can't believe that something so clean and natural could be so life-changing.

But I’m not alone—so many other men and women are seeing similar improvements with Native Hydrate… 

“Native Hydrate worked for me in just one night. I normally go to the bathroom at least 3-4 times a night, but after one scoop of this, I didn’t wake up ONCE! My urgency is just gone. Needless to say, I am VERY impressed!”

— James M.  

“Berry lovers…makes water even better! 

I love Native Hydrate! Makes drinking all my water better and right away I could feel the increase in my energy😃 

I really enjoy both the berry and peach mango flavors. Haven’t tried tangerine yet. Give it a try!”

— Diane S. 

“Excellent before breaking my fast! I have been enjoying this product for a few weeks and I look forward to having it.

I break my fast each morning with it and feel energetic and satisfied until noon.

I use it before teaching my yoga classes. I feel clean energy and very clear minded!

I did a lot of research before buying this and I'm glad I made this choice. I am looking forward to trying the other flavors.”

Rocio B.

“Helps Urgency! Native Hydrate appears to have lessened the urge to urinate a lot, allowing me to sleep longer before awakening to pee.”  

— Gregory B. 

Customer results have not been independently verified. Results may vary.

Once I felt how great it worked, I got curious: 

Why Does Native Hydrate Work So Well For Bladder Issues?

The secret is in Native Hydrate’s unique blend of 29 nutrients. 

It’s a special blend of amino acids, minerals, and electrolytes that promote bladder health, full-body hydration, vibrant energy, and so much more.

Some of the key ingredients in Native Hydrate are:

  • BCAAs: Branched-chain amino acids are the very building blocks of muscles and support muscle strength, energy levels, metabolism, and overall good health. Native Hydrate’s superior BCAA mix includes leucine—one of the best strength building amino acids found in nature. And remember, amino acids were in the winning hydrating drink given to the older people in that U.S. Army study I mentioned. 
  • Magnesium, B12, biotin, folate, and zinc: These nutrients support the bladder and urinary tract in dozens of ways. From promoting healthy nerve function to strong pelvic floor and bladder muscles—they are key for keeping control as you age. 
  • Glycine: This amino acid is not only a Gold Standard nutrient for healthy bladder function, but it’s also one of the best ways to ensure high quality sleep. 

And that’s just barely scratching the surface! I would need all day to tell you about each carefully chosen ingredient in Native Hydrate. 

After all my searching, I can safely say, Native Hydrate is the best solution for bladder health-but it does so much more than that!

But you don’t have to take it from me, everywhere I look, I see dozens of people raving about Native Hydrate... 

What Are Other People Saying About Native Hydrate?

“Nice Flavor! I purchased this in response to the claims that it would help with bladder help. I have to say I think it works. The flavor is good and it mixes well!”

— Rick M.

“Hydrates the elderly! Love the flavor of peach mango, it definitely has helped me. I am over 85 and feel invigorated and hydrated.

I will be ordering more since I am on my last canister!”

 — Sjaan W.

“My husband and l both love ALL the flavors! We each drink Native Hydrate every day, it gives us energy and we feel better!”

— Mary B.   

Customer results have not been independently verified. Results may vary.

How Much Does It Cost?

When I bought Native Hydrate, I had to pay full price, but honestly, I would happily pay double or triple that now that I know how well this stuff works for my bladder problems.

The freedom I enjoy now is truly priceless. 

But you might be luckier than I was, because right now there's an exclusive deal that brings the price down to just $28 per jar. 

That's nearly 44% OFF!

So if they haven’t sold out yet, I would strongly suggest snatching up a few jars now and seeing which flavor you like best while you still can.

And there’s no reason not to, since you don’t risk a thing by trying it. 

Because Native Hydrate is fully backed by a 365-day money back guarantee, so you can try it without risking a penny.

Is Native Hydrate Worth It?

YES, and it’s easy to see why.

NOTHING is more important than your health, especially as you age. Once your health goes, it’s all over.

Native Hydrate not only helps with bladder issues, but it's full of good nutrients you need for better hydration, energy, and overall health. 

And you have nothing to lose, because NativePath’s 365-Day Guarantee gives you a FULL YEAR to see how well Native Hydrate works for you. 

But I know you’ll love it, I highly recommend it to everyone!

*UPDATE*: Men and women all over are catching on fast to the benefits of Native Hydrate, and I’ve got word that inventory is moving fast. If you want to get the discount, you have to act now, or you may not get another chance.

Scientific References

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* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Use only as directed.

The information provided in this page is intended for your general knowledge and information purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Consult with your doctor or a medical professional and follow safety instructions before beginning an exercise program or using any medical aids if you are undergoing treatment or on medication or have a medical condition.